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3rd time is the charm!
Please note I have received approval to reapply for staff early from The Great Dink Himself. 

Ingame Name: Chloe Birb Mosh Pit Shaka Brah

Steam ID: Still not sure how to find this. 

Time Played: Over 5 days worth. 

When First Joined: Roughly About late April.

Availability (Approx. times you play, and time zone): Hours can be sporadic at work but on my two days off I can commit 6-8 hours 2 days a week. Other days I will casually spend 2-3 hours a night. Not guaranteed but most likely. 

Rank Desired: Trusted.

Current Rank: Donor - Regular

What can you do to help the community?: I help out a ton of new players, and I can be on early in the morning when less full time staff are on. 

Why do you want to help the community?: I love everyone in this community. A lot of people on this server are like my family, everyone here treats everybody with kindness, I just want to return that kindness. 

Have you previously been banned? (Link relevant posts): Banned, no. When I first started I did hour milk (even with that, I have more than exceeded the 80 hour requirement), and I accidently used my powers while staff was on twice. Since then I have not done either of these things, and I have taught others to do the same. 

Have you previously applied for staff? (Link relevant posts): Twice. First time was denied. Second time was too soon after. 

How did you find us?: Using the Internet!

Other: All I want to add is that I respect this community a lot. Which is why I want to become trusted, and someday maybe something more. I feel like this community is so much less toxic than most, and want to help preserve that. Either way, I value everyone's feedback. 

Previous apps:

+1 his attitude has def changed for the better (besides his skin addiction) Id say with alll the improving hes done he deserves a shot.
chole is a great person and is not a dick in any way +1 from yours truly slim thicc wagon
(06-26-2018, 09:01 PM)§6 MinuteMonarch Wrote: +1 his attitude has def changed for the better (besides his skin addiction) Id say with alll the improving hes done he deserves a shot.

Thanks my dude :)

(06-26-2018, 09:04 PM)slim thiccccccc wagon Wrote: chole is a great person and is not a dick in any way +1 from yours truly slim thicc wagon

Thanks Slim Thiccccc ;)

Reasons: Mosh is been a great friend and knows when and how to control his powers. I, AlmostMidnight, believe Mosh Pit, should be trusted.
I dont know you that well but when we play together you are always helpful. You help me control everyone and i thank you for that. Even when it gets crazy you help a lot.
[Image: giphy.gif]
(06-26-2018, 09:10 PM)AlmostMidnight Wrote: +1

Reasons: Mosh is been a great friend and knows when and how to control his powers. I, AlmostMidnight, believe Mosh Pit, should be trusted.

Thanks Midnight! Always appreciate your honest answers. :)

(06-26-2018, 09:10 PM)Tori the Tiger Wrote: +1
I dont know you that well but when we play together you are always helpful. You help me control everyone and i thank you for that. Even when it gets crazy you help a lot.

No problem. ::)

Thanks for the input! :D
Chole seems like a pretty cool person. They are not an ass and are fun to play with.
(06-26-2018, 09:14 PM)Tommy Anne Wrote: Chole seems like a pretty cool person. They are not an ass and are fun to play with.

Thanks Tommy Anne :D

He is one of the nicest people on the server and he deserves trusted. The server could use more trusted anyway and hes is on pretty frequently so he would be a great addition. Hope you get it bud good luck.  :) :P :) .

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