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I am resigning
Okay, the toxicity in this resignation thread makes you no better than the toxicity you claim Foxka to have. I'll be the first to say I disagreed with him on plenty of things whether it was said or not, but come on. A cycle of toxicity helps no one. Ultimately, I think it comes down to TTT adminship requiring a really level head and if you don't, you'll drown and let the emotions get the best of you. Seems like he realized this here and is taking the best course of action for himself and the community.
[Image: frieren-fall-winter.jpeg]
(06-27-2018, 06:57 PM)Yoshi Commits Tax Fraud Wrote: Okay, the toxicity in this resignation thread makes you no better than the toxicity you claim Foxka to have. I'll be the first to say I disagreed with him on plenty of things whether it was said or not, but come on. A cycle of toxicity helps no one. Ultimately, I think it comes down to TTT adminship requiring a really level head and if you don't, you'll drown and let the emotions get the best of you. Seems like he realized this here and is taking the best course of action for himself and the community.

@Aiser chill with your bullshit on this thread.

@Foxka stay and take Mod back. You did good things, and have some places to grow like all of us do.
@Everyjuan I'm not spouting bullshit. Nobody seems to realize that these people are not healthy individuals for the community. If this isn't the time to have a serious discussion about the impact these individuals are having on the community, when is? Don't ignore the issues and be complacent. Foxka got burned out trying to fix issues. But nobody wants to talk about them so why even ask him to come back. "Come back and lets not change anything" is just so disrespectful.
@Aiser you're not listening. What I stated was not a request and did not require a response. This is not the place for that conversation.
I never thought you were a bad admin. But good on you for recognizing the problem and resigning, it's a very smart thing to do. Your bans did have some good reasoning behind them, but I can also agree that they may have also had an emotional aspect to them. You intended no harm to the server and I appreciate that.
Best of luck to you in the future, Foxka.
[Image: laXmwYH.gif]
You weren't supposed to be Admin shorter then me. REEEEEE

In all seriousness, Juan is right. Admin isn't right for everyone, and I'm sure taking Mod is the right call since you still contribute in many ways to the Staff Team. I don't think it's a mistake to take a full resignation, but I think you've have alot more to contribute for the Staff team. Whatever you decide I respect your decision, and thank you for serving apart of the Staff Team.
It's unfortunate that you felt the need to resign. I personally don't think you needed to resign, but I'm not you. We didn't always agree, but your mark on the community will not be in vain. I hope that you know that you're always welcomed back.
I’ve been here throughout your entire staff journey here on Dinks. And even though I may not agree with some actions during your short adminship, I know that you have a good heart and could change how your emotions drive you sometimes. That can mess a lot of things up for you, especially when you’re staff. I hope that you reconsider this resignation post, and do as Everyjuan said above.I believe that you can be excellent, as I’ve seen excellency before when you were just a TMod. However, that’s your decision to make in the end.

Thank you for being a staff member, one who I could rely on and trust when I used to be ttt staff alongside you.  :D Heart

Also.. you guys shouldn’t be arguing on a resignation thread.. That isn’t the purpose of it. I’ll never understand how some of you argue on every thread that you appear on. : ( 
aww you were the person responsible for me getting banned for saying gamer.... :(
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been here since September 2016

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