02-07-2019, 08:58 PM
Offender's Name: Alora
Offender's SteamID: I am not sure
Offender's Rank: Trial Mod
What They Did: So I was Doing a Shaggy voice and then some kid in the game screeched really loud as I was talking and she muted me for mic spam when I did nothing and then I kept arguing with her or him because she made people think that I was a liar and that is a personal thing that bothers me a lot and as I kept trying to prove my point she told me to talk to her in the @ chat and I did and she ended up kicking me when she just said I could talk to her in that chat. later when I joined back I did say a disrespectful thing because I was so ticked, I called her brain dead and then she banned me for 8 days or so, maybe 10. She also called me a troll but that isn't what bothered me as much as being called a liar pretty much I was actually pretty offended and mad and stuff because again I would rather get banned then accept punishment for something I didn't do.
When They Did It: 2 - 7 - 19
Potential Witnesses: My friend which copies my name lol his Steam name is JT Nuke and my other friend FuZe
Proof: I was not recording at the time, was just trying to have some fun to be honest.
Other: I honestly don't even care all that much about getting un-banned but I just did feel very offended and do not think he/she is fit for being staff. Thank you for reading all of this and peace
Offender's SteamID: I am not sure
Offender's Rank: Trial Mod
What They Did: So I was Doing a Shaggy voice and then some kid in the game screeched really loud as I was talking and she muted me for mic spam when I did nothing and then I kept arguing with her or him because she made people think that I was a liar and that is a personal thing that bothers me a lot and as I kept trying to prove my point she told me to talk to her in the @ chat and I did and she ended up kicking me when she just said I could talk to her in that chat. later when I joined back I did say a disrespectful thing because I was so ticked, I called her brain dead and then she banned me for 8 days or so, maybe 10. She also called me a troll but that isn't what bothered me as much as being called a liar pretty much I was actually pretty offended and mad and stuff because again I would rather get banned then accept punishment for something I didn't do.
When They Did It: 2 - 7 - 19
Potential Witnesses: My friend which copies my name lol his Steam name is JT Nuke and my other friend FuZe
Proof: I was not recording at the time, was just trying to have some fun to be honest.
Other: I honestly don't even care all that much about getting un-banned but I just did feel very offended and do not think he/she is fit for being staff. Thank you for reading all of this and peace