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I have never done one of these, never planned on it either.. But some things have came up where I would like community input on how I've been as a staff member, a player, and as a general person. Feel free to leave comments good or bad, as I'm all for criticism. I have been in this community for a year and on April 14th it'll mark my one year anniversary of being staff, so I would like to hear what you all think of me.
i love you you are a good staff just dont do drugs be safe (no homo)
[Image: q0SdkAI6QPaeF9Oi-uqjbA.png]

[Image: NcxeGyl-THSvKxgssH34Pg.png]
I didn’t play THAT much with you, however I have played enough with you to notice that you are doing a fine job as a staff member, hence why you got a promotion. All I can say is keep up the good work. I don’t have any point of criticsm.

Kidding your a great player,Gets the job done. And u do drugs ( Not) 
And Deagon loves u so that means your doing a great job
Ingame Names 
Sharky / [Red]Sharky / Hysender / Wizard
Apple a Day keeps Mother Nuru Away 
Deathrun - PropHunt - Murder Staff member
just resign u bad

Seriously, though, you know how I feel about you as a person and as a staff member. Love you, brother.
i have not played with you that much but i always sensed a good vibe from you and you are a good staff member imo
I like you dong and only one main thing comes to mind.

I think you over share on the discord. I can understand sharing issues in your life with others, but I think some of it is just a little TMI.

If I remember correctly, you got made fun of for something, and I won’t say what, that you shared on the discord. You got upset over this, but I think this partly your fault. If you hadn’t shared this with everyone or only to a select group, you wouldn’t have been teased.

You obviously don’t have to take my advice, but I think it might be wise to separate your personal life with that of your online life. It’s a policy I’ve followed for most of my online life and it has worked very well for me.
(02-13-2019, 03:16 PM)Laced Xanax Wrote: just resign u bad

Seriously, though, you know how I feel about you as a person and as a staff member. Love you, brother.

Anyway, I can point out little insignificant flaws about every staff member in the server. But with you I’m going to be honest I can’t think of any. I’m not saying you’re perfect, but so far you’re doing pretty well.
[Image: Garry_s-Mod-4_27_2019-3_48_35-PM_Trim-_2_.gif]
dong i love you and you are s tier staff man ur a perfect blend of realizing its a ttt server and it suppose to be fun with also being able to get shit done

you should get on the server more because i dont use discord :D
Who are you again?

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    This is Dinkleberg's GMod, a gaming community based in Garry's Mod. We have a Trouble in Terrorist Town, Prop Hunt, Murder, and Deathrun Server. Come check them out sometime.