Unban Req
Ingame Name: Pingu

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:93222703

Who Banned You: DaKody

Reason For Ban: Mass.

Length of Ban: Permanent.

Reason for Mods to Unban:  While I do understand time passing by does not equal an unban by any means, this happened three years ago all the way back in 2016. I'm not all that interested in playing too often, there are simply times when it would be nice to hop on a server that is populated with at least some people I know. I wasn't even aware I was banned from the server until I tried joining it a few minutes ago. I have no ill will towards the server or its players and simply wish to rejoin. 

https://imgur.com/a/mtxUMAI - Screenshot of ban information.
Have you been banned before (Link relevant threads): No.

Other: Have a nice day.
[Image: PyDKMq8.png]
1+ I think Its been long enough - considering Dakody isnt staff here anymore  - Wish u the best
Ingame Names 
Sharky / [Red]Sharky / Hysender / Wizard
Apple a Day keeps Mother Nuru Away 
Deathrun - PropHunt - Murder Staff member
I believe he has learned his lesson, it's been approximately 3 years in which you will mature yourself. +1
I am going to go ahead and give you a +1 on the unban yeah 3 years is a long time and I've seen you play other servers just fine. You have matured to the point now that you probably weren't at when this occurred. Gl crouch spammer.
[Image: Nicol_dumb.jpg]
Nothing happened here.
I've staffed with Pingu since that ban, and I can vouch for him and say he's definitely mature and seems genuine in this appeal. Nice to see a familiar face and +1
Noot Noot ~(^-^)~
Unban request Accepted

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    This is Dinkleberg's GMod, a gaming community based in Garry's Mod. We have a Trouble in Terrorist Town, Prop Hunt, Murder, and Deathrun Server. Come check them out sometime.