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Midnight's Moderator Application
Ingame Name: Midnight, Móno

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:173747978

Time Played: 2131.2 Hours

When First Joined: December 16, 2017

Availability (Approx. times you play, and time zone): I'm available around early in the morning when I'm off work. I get on 3:30 PM to 11:00 PM CDT GMT-5.

Rank Desired: Moderator

Current Rank: Test Moderator

What can you do to help the community?: I can help for those in need quickly. I am very familiar in using the ULX menu, I am fact pace whenever ghosters/hackers are present. I am a fast typer and quickly answer questions regarding to the game mechanic or rules (if my laptop doesn't randomly drop frames each second). Its been over a year so I pretty much know the rules and give them details on what they should and shouldn't do.

Why do you want to help the community?: I'm mostly on and be able to take care of the server whenever there's no upper staffs available. I'm pretty much lenient and give plenty of warnings before executing a command. I do want this community to be free from troublemakers and let the players 'have fun' (Rule #5).And the fact Test Mods do need an assistant when a predicament occurs whenever no upper staff(s) are online. 

Have you previously been banned? (Link relevant posts): Twelve hour ban for abusing unstuck. (29-12-17)

Have you previously applied for staff? (Link relevant posts): 
1st application:
2nd application:
3rd application:
4th application:
5th application:
6th application:

How did you find us?: Bored from playing Sandbox and other Prop Hunt servers, hence I stayed in this community for its contents and good game mechanic.

Other: Well, this is it. Be completely honest and give me on what I should improve on. I know there's a flaw in my part, but I'm still learning from those mistakes. Thank you for your time to read and adding your feedback
I know I don't play PH, but one thing I can say is I see Mono pretty much everywhere, very active staff. I'd say +1 with how much communication there is involved, plus look at that active time xD
Im gonna give you a +1 I think you have come a long way since Trusted and you are on the go with everything, whether its with catching people ghosting or hacking or whatever you're really good at it, you have also done a great job at TestMod you have lots of bans/ban requests under you, and i think with all you have done to get this far i personally think your ready for Moderator. Best of luck Midnight
[Image: titan.gif]
Midnight, you have truly shown you are ready to become moderator. you have submitted a bunch of ban requests. On top of that your activity has been off the charts and that is awesome. You know how handle most situations when it comes to staffing and you do it calmly and controllably. You have been able to control yourself and you have improved drastically from your previous apps. I would like to +1 this you have shown that you can be a awesome staff member good luck :) 

P.s Please don't kill me in PH
I may look calm but in my mind I just killed you three times

#SMOL SQUAD 2016-forever

Nicol Bolas
Coming out of hiding to comment on this.

Mono obviously meets qualification for the position, little more needs to be said about that.

What I will say is that since I first met you, you have improved greatly in attitude. You are much more level headed then you were before your first resignation. It goes without saying that you know the rules and enforce them appropriately. You also are very helpful to players who need it. You don't invite drama to the server and that's more then anyone can ask for.

I honestly never thought I would say this but you are the kind of staff that all staff should strive to be. 

You certainly have shown your dedication to the server. You have been very helpful in staffing and keep a level head despite people's best attempts as of late. I have seen no issues nor heard any legit issues with you. I think you will do just fine as a Mod. Wish you the best and keep on doing what you do.
Ex TTT Mod Dec 14, 2019 - Dec 14, 2019
Ex PH Mod April 14, 2019 - January 20, 2020
Ex PH Mod May 9, 2020 - May 27, 2022
Proud member of the RDMS
Ex Forum Admin May 6, 2022 - May 6, 2022
Former PH Map Editor

Hey Mono,
Have seen such a big change in you recently, your still very active and help out a lot on the server but you've listened to criticisms from previous applications and made changes. Your communication is much better and you seem overall much more relaxed which is great. You are a real asset to the team and I'm glad you've made this application. 

Best of luck 
[Image: unknown.jpg]
i cant imagine giving anything else besides a +1, you are super professional about all of your staffing and have wasted dedicated so much of your time to the server
go get em
"let's fuck lycan" -Starky
I'll say +1 because Mono has been following the guidelines staff does when players like to be trolls, cheats, and ghosts.

 He even keep tabs on players who has friends on the opposite team or players that were going instantly prop to prop and get evidence on them.
[Image: sukuna-evil-laugh.gif]
[Image: YWj4Wn.gif]
Hey midnight! Thanks for applying!

I knew this was coming, you're really active, like so much more than you claim to be in your schedule. I like that to be honest. Midnight has done so much since his promotion. He is good at the execution of the rules on server. He ruins lots of the fun on server so he's perfect for the role. I constantly see a stream of ban requests being made and ton of players listed. Many of those listings help me, because I get on a little later on after him. I've seen major improvement since your days as trusted into tmod. It would be an honor to work along side you and hopefully assist you in any situations where it gets a bit too heated on server. 

I have nothing but praise for this big boi. It's a (+1) from me, hope to see you in the green man. Don't be afraid to message me personally to get on :p

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    This is Dinkleberg's GMod, a gaming community based in Garry's Mod. We have a Trouble in Terrorist Town, Prop Hunt, Murder, and Deathrun Server. Come check them out sometime.