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Banned for gaming? - Printable Version

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Banned for gaming? - WAX | Hillrop - 04-26-2018

Ingame Name: Hillrop

SteamID: STEAM_1:0:72034023

Who Banned You: Everyjuan

Reason For Ban: Said the g word

Length of Ban: a week

Reason for Mods to Unban: No proof i said the g word. show me the evidence. Wheres the evidence! Show me the evidence!

Have you been banned before (Link relevant threads): Only as a meme

Other: mid-15c., "an athlete" (mid-13c. as a surname, Johannes le Gamer), agent noun from game (v.). Meaning "one devoted to playing video or computer games" is attested by 1981 (by 1975 in reference to players of Dungeons & Dragons). Gamester is attested from 1580s but also sometimes meant "prostitute" (compare old slang The Game "sexual intercourse" (by 1930s), probably from the first game ever played "copulation"). From 1550s as "a gambler." Gamesman is from 1947.

RE: Banned for gaming? - Everyjuan - 04-26-2018

Proof was provided in discord before the ban was approved by an Admin.

RE: Banned for gaming? - WAX | Hillrop - 04-26-2018

(04-26-2018, 01:49 PM)E veryjuan Wrote: Proof was provided in discord before the ban was approved by an Admin.
Never got a warning. I was told I would get a warning before I was banned. I dont care if the ban was approved or not. The ban was falsely approved because I never recieved a warning as stated in the orginal agreement. I provided a screenshot in the attachment below

RE: Banned for gaming? - Foxka - 04-26-2018

[Image: image.png]
Here is proof of him saying "gamer"

[Image: objection_by_phoenix_is_wright.png]

[Image: 9a9c812d7b.png]

The defendant was never issued a warning before hand! This means he should not have been banned for the first offense.

I rest my case.

RE: Banned for gaming? - WAX | Hillrop - 04-26-2018

Why havent I been unbanned yet??? Its already been proven that i recieved no warning and I shouldnt have been banned in the first place since there was NO warning. Would be great to get a response from @DaKody the person who approved the ban in the first place.

EDIT: I was also kicked from the discord for no reason. Thanks to whoever did that....

RE: Banned for gaming? - Everyjuan - 04-26-2018

why haven't you been unbanned yet? can you please chill out? this attitude won't get you far.

RE: Banned for gaming? - ReThink - 04-26-2018

Is this a meme ban?
This thread is very confusing to those who have no context whatsoever
Help i've been confused and I can't get up

[Image: tenor.png]


The evidence/deal clearly states "....says gamer....".
Last time I checked, that 'evidence' is typed, not spoken. The defendant cannot be found in default for typing said word, as the contract clearly states and indicates verbal communication, not written or other forms of communication
[Image: teiogpmjcyfh5itp4888.gif]


RE: Banned for gaming? - Everyjuan - 04-26-2018

not a meme, the condition that came with adding his map to the server was that if he said gamer, he got banned. he said gamer, he got banned.

RE: Banned for gaming? - Dildo Shwaggins - 04-26-2018

Don't agree to something you don't wanna follow through with.


RE: Banned for gaming? - WAX | Hillrop - 04-26-2018

For god sakes can you dingdongs read the agreement. I never received a warning at all. Which was IN THE AGREEMENT!

"So if we add the maps do you hereby consent to never say gamer again and if you do we can ban you up to 1 week to a month after a warning? :p"

This is the original agreement. EMPHASIS ON THE WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!! I recieved no warning before getting banned.