04-26-2018, 01:42 PM
Ingame Name: Hillrop
SteamID: STEAM_1:0:72034023
Who Banned You: Everyjuan
Reason For Ban: Said the g word
Length of Ban: a week
Reason for Mods to Unban: No proof i said the g word. show me the evidence. Wheres the evidence! Show me the evidence!
Have you been banned before (Link relevant threads): Only as a meme
Other: mid-15c., "an athlete" (mid-13c. as a surname, Johannes le Gamer), agent noun from game (v.). Meaning "one devoted to playing video or computer games" is attested by 1981 (by 1975 in reference to players of Dungeons & Dragons). Gamester is attested from 1580s but also sometimes meant "prostitute" (compare old slang The Game "sexual intercourse" (by 1930s), probably from the first game ever played "copulation"). From 1550s as "a gambler." Gamesman is from 1947.
SteamID: STEAM_1:0:72034023
Who Banned You: Everyjuan
Reason For Ban: Said the g word
Length of Ban: a week
Reason for Mods to Unban: No proof i said the g word. show me the evidence. Wheres the evidence! Show me the evidence!
Have you been banned before (Link relevant threads): Only as a meme
Other: mid-15c., "an athlete" (mid-13c. as a surname, Johannes le Gamer), agent noun from game (v.). Meaning "one devoted to playing video or computer games" is attested by 1981 (by 1975 in reference to players of Dungeons & Dragons). Gamester is attested from 1580s but also sometimes meant "prostitute" (compare old slang The Game "sexual intercourse" (by 1930s), probably from the first game ever played "copulation"). From 1550s as "a gambler." Gamesman is from 1947.