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Jawa trusted app
Ingame Name: LemonTiara

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:223595428
Discord Tag: lemontiara01

Time Played: too many hours

When First Joined: August 2020 i believe

Availability (Approx. times you play, and time zone): 
Timezone: US East (EST/EDT)
Weekdays: Evenings/Nights, 7PM and later. Except Thursdays…
Weekends: Starting at 6PM est

Rank Desired: Trusted

Current Rank: Donor

What can you do to help the community: I can help take care of RDM reports with my extensive knowledge of the rules and have generally good judgement on the gray areas that occur. I have extensive staffing experience, know how to diffuse risque situations, handle trolls, and maintain a safe, fun, and friendly environment for everyone of all origins and placements in life. I excel at gathering evidence and sending it directly to admins/mods rather than making ban request threads. I don't claim to never be emotional, but i think I have a good level head when it comes to intense issues. I also want to emphasize everyone having fun without things being taken too far.

Why you want to help the community:  During the hours I play there are rarely staff available. There is a significant amount of doxing, harassing players, rdming, and and game ruining behavior that I could prevent as Trusted.

Have you been previously banned, or do you have active warn points? (Link Relevant Posts): I guess not

Have you previously applied for staff? (Link Relevant Posts): Yes. Here and here

How did you find us?: Through murder (the better gamemode)

Did you fill out the required scenario questions for rank you are applying for? (Links under requirements in format thread): Does the one from my first app count?

Other:  No matter the outcome of this app. The feedback is much appreciated and taken seriously!
[Image: Limon_T3.jpg?ex=65b9d342&is=65a75e42&hm=...height=468]
(06-21-2024, 09:42 PM)LemonTiara Wrote:
Did you fill out the required scenario questions for rank you are applying for? (Links under requirements in format thread): Does the one from my first app count?
[Image: gBkzZod.png]
If you actually want to help out again I dont see a problem. You have previous staff experience and your activity in game is more or less fine all things considered. 1+ for trusted
If this is what you truly want then +2. You were a great and competent staff member. I think you’ve learned by now how to not let this place get to you. Good luck !
I am neutral due to my inactivity.
I do not trust you as staff based primarily on your inability to handle criticism in the past, and your blatant leaking of staff chat in the past.
However, it's been 2 years and people change. I can only hope there has been enough distance between your resignation, and that your issues brought up in various past applications are resolved. I don't care to relitigate the issues of the resignation, which can be found here, but if you are accepted I hope none of this comes to pass again.
Lemon does have a good grasp of of the game, with significant past staffing experience, and can handle RDM reports/game situations well. But leaking staff chat is usually bannable, lest barring from staff, and really makes it hard to trust that things brought to staff are kept private.
Best of luck with your application.

Edit to respond to Tea, so as to not spam the replies:
1. I'm not a staff member and haven't been for years
2. I'm perfectly fine responding to leaked staff chat, and have been exonerated twice now of 'accusations' levied from leaked staff chat
3. I would call private feedback of a staff app sensitive information that shouldn't have been shared with the community
4. When did I claim to be a victim?
[Image: cYQlQ4a.gif]
Discord Admin - April 2021 - March 2023
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If you really want to come back to staff and this aint a joke staff app, sure why not. +1
Jammin does make a good point but I don’t think it’s worthy of a lifetime ban from staff. If you think you can do it without that being possible again, +1
[Image: frieren-fall-winter.jpeg]
i have no idea what actually happened here but i wish the staff of this community would stop hiding behind "leaking staff chat" as a way to avoid accountability. sure staff chat does sometimes have some sensitive stuff that shouldn't be shared but stop acting like when non-sensitive things that YOU actually said are brought to the attention of the community at large that somehow you're the victim cause people weren't supposed to know about it.
[Image: fBz8ezO.png]   
leaking staff chat is stupid af as long as it doesn't expose victims and it was so long ago who gives a fuck lol

+1 lemon can handle the job well and as long as she truly wants it, I say let her have it! Her perspective on many issues plaguing the server currently would be a great asset to the staff team as well, and i see zero reason to not support this app.

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    This is Dinkleberg's GMod, a gaming community based in Garry's Mod. We have a Trouble in Terrorist Town, Prop Hunt, Murder, and Deathrun Server. Come check them out sometime.