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Discord Rules/Punishment idea
(01-03-2020, 01:54 PM)matt_st3 (Strongrule) Wrote: I’m going to edit this as I read - unless otherwise stated, rip out the staff discretion. It’s doing no good in the current system and is mostly allowing people to get away with things.
Section 1: by violation 4 you should be looking at a small temp ban (maybe 3 day) and after would be longer. Too many chances imo
Section 2b: should be much harsher and not staff discretion. Personal information should be treated with respect. That being said if the name is on your steam page... Maybe have a moderate and major tier, bc some people don’t mind for certain places/people to know. That part I don’t know bc a certain amount of my information is basic and everyone knows and the rest no one knows. Don’t share information with people you don’t trust: simple.
Section 2c: I’d treat as section 1
Section 2d: I’m ok with this tier, knowing that some obvious/direct cases could skip violation 1 based on discretion
Section 3a: I’m ok with that one as is. This should be lenient one unless the person is flat ignoring the rule
Section 3b: The rules that apply should be posted and specific to the game type. There will be variation here (eg kos rule). Punishment should probably just be a temp mute/etc system to avoid players abusing
Section 4: I’ll come back to this but know - too much abuse potential on the staff side. TTT and PH have completely different ideas on what staff disrespect is when I look at ban requests:
Section 5: ok, but also add that the message will be deleted
Section 6: ok. Staff should collect evidence before wiping messages (also that’s a general note for some above too)
Section 7: in general ok, but split violation 3 so that there is a difference between temp bans then the perma. No real reason to have the 2 month tag on this one, unless it’s their second perma or something

Thank you for your input Matt, I mostly agree with what you said. My intent was to throw and idea out there and get input. This was put together in about 30 mins so I didn't expect it to be perfect nor do I expect it to be the norm. 
The staff discretion is because situations differ mainly. Staff should be trustworthy enough to make decent decisions and if they are no longer capable of doing such should be removed in my opinion. 
The note of gathering evidence for extensive punishments should be a basic understanding but I can also understand how that idea slips peoples minds. would be a good addition . 
(01-03-2020, 02:01 PM)Avi Wrote: Im just going to put this out there again, I said I was working on the punishment guidelines this week and was creating a draft so that the admins/discord committee could look at what is suggested before moving forward.  While I appreciate the effort in this post, I feel like this overcomplicates some things.

I look forward to seeing the official guidelines. 

Yes there's areas here that over complicate things, simply put because managing a discord server can be complicated depending on situation. Did I cover everything? absolutely not but I attempted to show a more lenient type of system because that's what everyone seems to be begging for lately. 

Messages In This Thread
Discord Rules/Punishment idea - by Mr Voss - 01-03-2020, 01:45 PM
RE: Discord Rules/Punishment idea - by Avi - 01-03-2020, 02:01 PM
RE: Discord Rules/Punishment idea - by Mr Voss - 01-03-2020, 02:31 PM
RE: Discord Rules/Punishment idea - by Mr Voss - 01-03-2020, 02:37 PM
RE: Discord Rules/Punishment idea - by Mr Voss - 01-03-2020, 03:40 PM
RE: Discord Rules/Punishment idea - by Mr Voss - 01-03-2020, 06:49 PM
RE: Discord Rules/Punishment idea - by Foxka - 01-03-2020, 10:05 PM

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