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Discord Rules/Punishment idea
Due to the fact that this doesn't already exist, this was created by me. 
No there is not official punishment system yet, and in an effort to be both lenient and strict this is the solution I came up with as a rough draft. 
Yes, there's probably spelling an grammatical errors here and that's because it's a rough draft to get brain juices going. 

Discord Rules and (Unoffical)Punishments
1.     Do not spam any text or voice channel
a.      Try to keep your thoughts all in one or two messages rather than 3or 4 lines. It is not enjoyable to see one person have 14 messages on the screen at once. Try not to be too repetitive.
b.      This also applies to flaming. Be civilized. Do not personally attack/gang up on another user.
c.      Do not spam ping (@) another user or pingable role.
Violation 1: Warning via warn system for violation
Violation 2L Warning via warn system for violation and warning that next violation is mute for 1 day.
Violation 3: Punishment of 1-day mute with warning that next violation is 3-day mute.
Violation 4: Punishment of 3-day mute with warning that next violation is 1-week mute.
*Violation 5: Punishment of 1-week mute with warning that next violation is being Kicked from Discord.
Violation 6: Punishment of being kicked from the Discord with warning that if they return and continue, they will be banned anywhere from 1 month to 6 months depending on staff discretion.
Violation 7: Punishment of being Banned for 1 month to 6 months, depending on staff discretion, with warning that next ban length is permanent.
Violation 8: Punishment of permanent ban, with a note that if they desire to appeal the ban, they may but must wait at least 2 months before appealing.
2.     Be respectful to users and yourself.
a.      You’re all on the same footing, everyone deserves respect despite their rank.
b.      Refrain from solicitation or positing personal information of anybody without their explicit permission.

Violation 1: warn via warn system to not share personal information and continuing will result in punishment at staff’s discretion, which can range from a 1-day mute to being kicked form the discord depending on your continuation. Keep personal information in DM’s and away from prying eyes.
*Violation 2: Punishment by staff’s discretion with a warning of the next punishment should they continue.
Violation 3: Punishment by staff’s discretion. Situation depending an extensive ban may be appropriate anywhere from 3 months to indefinitely.  Counsel with Admins to verify an appropriate length for the ban.
c.      Solve personal issues Privately. Take it to DM’s.

Violation 1: Warning via warn system for violation
Violation 2: Warning via warn system for violation with note that next violation will be a mute for 1-3 days depending on staff discretion
Violation 3: Punishment of mute for 1-3 days with warning that next violation will increase the mute for 3 days to 1 week depending on staff discretion.
*Violation 4: Punishment of mute for 3 days to 1 week depending on staff discretion with note that next violation will result in being kicked from the discord.
Violation 5: Punishment of user being kicked from the discord with note stating that if they return and continue to target player(s) they will be banned from the discord.
Violation 6: Punishment of player being banned from discord for 1 month to indefinitely. If the punishment is indefinitely a note will be added stating that the user may appeal their ban in 2 months.

d.      Using offensive Language (racism, sexism, etc) towards other people is NOT allowed in any form. Specific derogatory terms at discretion of staff are not allowed.
Violation 1: Warning via warn system for violation
Violation 2L Warning via warn system for violation and warning that next violation is mute for 1 day.
Violation 3: Punishment of 1-day mute with warning that next violation is 3-day mute.
Violation 4: Punishment of 3-day mute with warning that next violation is 1-week mute.
*Violation 5: Punishment of 1-week mute with warning that next violation is being Kicked from Discord.
Violation 6: Punishment of being kicked from the Discord with warning that if they return and continue, they will be banned anywhere from 1 month to 6 months depending on staff discretion.
Violation 7: Punishment of being Banned for 1 month to 6 months, depending on staff discretion, with warning that next ban length is permanent.
Violation 8: Punishment of permanent ban, with a note that if they desire to appeal the ban, they may but must wait at least 2 months before appealing.
3.     Use Text channels properly
a.      Each text channel has their own purpose. Try to keep conversations about the channel topic/title. If a conversation goes too off-topic, you be redirected to the correct channel.

Violation 1: Warning within text channel, no warning via warn system necessary while redirecting the user to the appropriate channel for their discussion.
Violation 2: Warning via warn system of keeping topics in their designated channel, example being that posting multiple picture/gif/videos should be in either #shitposting or #creations.
(Violation 1 & 2 can be repeated up to 3x then act in accordance with Violation 3)
Violation 3: Punishment of 1-day mute with note that if user continues to violate rule 3a the mute length will be increased and may lead to being kicked or banned.
*Violation 4: Punishment of increasing mute length to 2 days to 1 week depending on staff discretion. 
b.      Abuse of the relay channels will result in immediate punishment. The relay channels for each respective server are to be used for communication, both official by staff members and unofficial by donors. Do not use the relay channels to harass, make fun of, or otherwise disrupt gameplay on servers.
Violation 1: warning via warn system with note that if user continues to abuse relay their privileges will be removed from them.
Violation 2: Warning via warn system that if they continue to abuse relay their privileges will be removed.
*Violation 3: Punishment of removing relay privileges
4.     Listen to staff.
Do not try to find loopholes out of a situation. If you feel like a staff member is in the wrong, message an admin or above.
Punishments for violating rule 4 is staff discretion, however, anything that exceeds a ban/mute beyond 3 days should be run past an Admin.
5.     No kind of Advertising of server’s is allowed.
a.      Advertise elsewhere. This server is not a sales platform or a hub for other servers.
b.      This does not apply to the #creations channel when it comes to videos/music/deviantart.

Violation 1: Warning via warning system with note that next violation will result in a mute for 1 day.
Violation 2: Punishment of 1-day mute with note that next violation will result in a kick from the discord.
*Violation 3: Punishment of being kicked from discord with a note that should they return and continue they will be banned from the discord indefinitely.
Violation 4: Punishment of being banned from discord indefinitely with a note that they may make a ban appeal after 2 months.
6.     Raiding is not allowed.
Members who organize raids and participate in them will be banned instantly.
*Violation 1: Punishment of being banned indefinitely from the discord.
7.     Abide by discords Terms of Service.
This includes (but not limited to) having NSFW/Pornographic profile pictures and posting NSFW content in non-NSFW channels. WE are a non-NSFW discord, so no channel should contain NSFW or Pornographic images. 

Violation 1: Warning via warning system with a note that next violation will be a 1-day mute.
If the violation is a profile picture, a warning will still be issued with a note that the user must change their profile picture within 30 mins of being contacted or they will be kicked from the discord till the picture is changed to an appropriate one.
*Violation 2: Punishment of 1-day mute with a note that continue to violate rule 7 will result in being banned from the discord for 1 month to indefinitely.
Violation 3: Punishment of being banned from the discord, with note that an appeal may be made after 2 months if the ban length is indefinitely.  
*-Notify admins of these violations and any beyond these violations so they are informed of what is going on. Also, counsel with Admins to make sure everyone is on the same page and following what is going on with these users.
Unless otherwise stated, rip out the staff discretion. It’s doing no good in the current system and is mostly allowing people to get away with things.
Edit: some of these mute times could be edited to be lower bc a day is quite a long time in some cases. That being said, if a member is breaking multiple rules, trying to use the system to get away with as much as they can, then punishments should be allowed to compound as appropriate.

Section 1: by violation 4 you should be looking at a small temp ban (maybe 3 day) and after would be longer. Too many chances imo, it should be obvious after the first few that they are ignoring the rule on purpose. 

Section 2b: should be much harsher and not staff discretion. Personal information should be treated with respect. That being said if the name is on your steam page... Maybe have a moderate and major tier, bc some people don’t mind for certain places/people to know. That part I don’t know bc a certain amount of my information is basic and everyone knows and the rest no one knows. Don’t share information with people you don’t trust: simple.

Section 2c: I’d treat as section 1

Section 2d: I’m ok with this tier, knowing that some obvious/direct cases could skip violation 1 based on discretion

Section 3a: I’m ok with that one as is. This should be a lenient one unless the person is flat ignoring the rule

Section 3b: The rules that apply should be posted and specific to the game type. There will be variation here (eg kos rule). Punishment should probably just be a temp mute/etc system to avoid players abusing

Section 4: I’ll come back to this but know - too much abuse potential on the staff side. TTT and PH have completely different ideas on what staff disrespect is when I look at ban requests.
Edit: I’m lenient here. If the member wants clarification sure, but if they want to argue it needs to be in forums or maybe I’ll allow a conversation in pms if they want to speak on it longer than public discord would allow. If they continue to argue an official warning, then move to mute if they continue. Once they start going past this it’s running into harassment of the staff of the staff member or spam depending on how they are going about it.

Section 5: ok, but also add that the message will be deleted

Section 6: ok. Staff should collect evidence before wiping messages (also that’s a general note for some above too)

Section 7: in general ok, but split violation 3 so that there is a difference between temp bans then the perma. No real reason to have the 2 month tag on this one, unless it’s their second perma or something

Towards the end, there should be a system in place of some kind. Warnings given by admin/mod+ should count as warnings. Discord mods should not backseat drive admins; that is to say do not rehandle a situation an admin previously handled. Discord mods cannot mute channels. Maybe allowed for bot threads that people interact in, and allowed to mute those bot threads people can’t interact in.

End note: avi did say she was working towards this and is assumed to be the head bc she is admin. This should be handled as a suggestion that people can comment on, but in the end there is a proper procedure to determine what the rules will be.

Matt_St3 / Strongrule / Spartan001295
Forum Admin - Resigned TTT Admin
[00:04] matt_st3 (Strongrule) [traitor] has damaged Taliban Tom [detective] for 4.9999999349555e+14 HP with an unknown weapon
Im just going to put this out there again, I said I was working on the punishment guidelines this week and was creating a draft so that the admins/discord committee could look at what is suggested before moving forward. While I appreciate the effort in this post, I feel like this overcomplicates some things.
Noot Noot ~(^-^)~
(01-03-2020, 01:54 PM)matt_st3 (Strongrule) Wrote: I’m going to edit this as I read - unless otherwise stated, rip out the staff discretion. It’s doing no good in the current system and is mostly allowing people to get away with things.
Section 1: by violation 4 you should be looking at a small temp ban (maybe 3 day) and after would be longer. Too many chances imo
Section 2b: should be much harsher and not staff discretion. Personal information should be treated with respect. That being said if the name is on your steam page... Maybe have a moderate and major tier, bc some people don’t mind for certain places/people to know. That part I don’t know bc a certain amount of my information is basic and everyone knows and the rest no one knows. Don’t share information with people you don’t trust: simple.
Section 2c: I’d treat as section 1
Section 2d: I’m ok with this tier, knowing that some obvious/direct cases could skip violation 1 based on discretion
Section 3a: I’m ok with that one as is. This should be lenient one unless the person is flat ignoring the rule
Section 3b: The rules that apply should be posted and specific to the game type. There will be variation here (eg kos rule). Punishment should probably just be a temp mute/etc system to avoid players abusing
Section 4: I’ll come back to this but know - too much abuse potential on the staff side. TTT and PH have completely different ideas on what staff disrespect is when I look at ban requests:
Section 5: ok, but also add that the message will be deleted
Section 6: ok. Staff should collect evidence before wiping messages (also that’s a general note for some above too)
Section 7: in general ok, but split violation 3 so that there is a difference between temp bans then the perma. No real reason to have the 2 month tag on this one, unless it’s their second perma or something

Thank you for your input Matt, I mostly agree with what you said. My intent was to throw and idea out there and get input. This was put together in about 30 mins so I didn't expect it to be perfect nor do I expect it to be the norm. 
The staff discretion is because situations differ mainly. Staff should be trustworthy enough to make decent decisions and if they are no longer capable of doing such should be removed in my opinion. 
The note of gathering evidence for extensive punishments should be a basic understanding but I can also understand how that idea slips peoples minds. would be a good addition . 
(01-03-2020, 02:01 PM)Avi Wrote: Im just going to put this out there again, I said I was working on the punishment guidelines this week and was creating a draft so that the admins/discord committee could look at what is suggested before moving forward.  While I appreciate the effort in this post, I feel like this overcomplicates some things.

I look forward to seeing the official guidelines. 

Yes there's areas here that over complicate things, simply put because managing a discord server can be complicated depending on situation. Did I cover everything? absolutely not but I attempted to show a more lenient type of system because that's what everyone seems to be begging for lately. 
(01-03-2020, 02:31 PM)Mr Voss Wrote:
(01-03-2020, 01:54 PM)matt_st3 (Strongrule) Wrote: I’m going to edit this as I read - unless otherwise stated, rip out the staff discretion. It’s doing no good in the current system and is mostly allowing people to get away with things.
Section 1: by violation 4 you should be looking at a small temp ban (maybe 3 day) and after would be longer. Too many chances imo
Section 2b: should be much harsher and not staff discretion. Personal information should be treated with respect. That being said if the name is on your steam page... Maybe have a moderate and major tier, bc some people don’t mind for certain places/people to know. That part I don’t know bc a certain amount of my information is basic and everyone knows and the rest no one knows. Don’t share information with people you don’t trust: simple.
Section 2c: I’d treat as section 1
Section 2d: I’m ok with this tier, knowing that some obvious/direct cases could skip violation 1 based on discretion
Section 3a: I’m ok with that one as is. This should be lenient one unless the person is flat ignoring the rule
Section 3b: The rules that apply should be posted and specific to the game type. There will be variation here (eg kos rule). Punishment should probably just be a temp mute/etc system to avoid players abusing
Section 4: I’ll come back to this but know - too much abuse potential on the staff side. TTT and PH have completely different ideas on what staff disrespect is when I look at ban requests:
Section 5: ok, but also add that the message will be deleted
Section 6: ok. Staff should collect evidence before wiping messages (also that’s a general note for some above too)
Section 7: in general ok, but split violation 3 so that there is a difference between temp bans then the perma. No real reason to have the 2 month tag on this one, unless it’s their second perma or something

Thank you for your input Matt, I mostly agree with what you said. My intent was to throw and idea out there and get input. This was put together in about 30 mins so I didn't expect it to be perfect nor do I expect it to be the norm. 
The staff discretion is because situations differ mainly. Staff should be trustworthy enough to make decent decisions and if they are no longer capable of doing such should be removed in my opinion. 
The note of gathering evidence for extensive punishments should be a basic understanding but I can also understand how that idea slips peoples minds. would be a good addition . 
(01-03-2020, 02:01 PM)Avi Wrote: Im just going to put this out there again, I said I was working on the punishment guidelines this week and was creating a draft so that the admins/discord committee could look at what is suggested before moving forward.  While I appreciate the effort in this post, I feel like this overcomplicates some things.

I look forward to seeing the official guidelines. 

Yes there's areas here that over complicate things, simply put because managing a discord server can be complicated depending on situation. Did I cover everything? absolutely not but I attempted to show a more lenient type of system because that's what everyone seems to be begging for lately. 

Lord I’m slow then bc it took me 30 just to respond. To be clear I like staff discretion to be implicit, not the rule/punishment itself.

Matt_St3 / Strongrule / Spartan001295
Forum Admin - Resigned TTT Admin
[00:04] matt_st3 (Strongrule) [traitor] has damaged Taliban Tom [detective] for 4.9999999349555e+14 HP with an unknown weapon
Lord I’m slow then bc it took me 30 just to respond. To be clear I like staff discretion to be implicit, not the rule/punishment itself.

I see what you're saying. More so that the punishment is laid out and the severity of said punishment is left to the staffs discretion instead of it being a sort of free reign no designation. 
Judging by this rough draft, I was unfairly muted.
(01-03-2020, 02:49 PM)MAKEOUTHILL Wrote: Judging by this rough draft, I was unfairly muted.

Well, not if you go off my edit which is how TTT handles it typically server side
But that’s a conversation for elsewhere - unless you want to throw your say on why and propose an edit

Matt_St3 / Strongrule / Spartan001295
Forum Admin - Resigned TTT Admin
[00:04] matt_st3 (Strongrule) [traitor] has damaged Taliban Tom [detective] for 4.9999999349555e+14 HP with an unknown weapon
(01-03-2020, 02:49 PM)MAKEOUTHILL Wrote: Judging by this rough draft, I was unfairly muted.

In accordance with this rough draft it could be argued that your 3 day mute was unfair. 
Let's humor your situation for a moment though:

You've been a part of this community since May 2018 (in accordance with forums) and are a former TTT staff member. 
You've played over 2400 hours on Gmod which I'd say a large portion is part of the Dinkleberg's community.
I think it's more than adequate to say you're familiar with the rules of the community. 
I know you're familiar with the rules, because after posting your racial slur it was deleted. 

Now, should someone who has so much experience in the community that decides to KNOWINGLY violate a rule be treated just like a brand new player who doesn't know any different?

That is the real complexity of circumstances presented. 

I was the one who Muted you for the 2 days, I felt it was still a very minor punishment for someone with so much experience in the community.  It's nothing personal, I'd expect the same if not worse done to me if I had done such a thing. 

Moral of the story, keep such things in DM's and away from the community. 

Luckily, there's legitimate guidelines coming out to prevent such incidents from happening again. .

Edit: it was for 2 days not 3. 
(01-03-2020, 03:40 PM)Mr Voss Wrote:
(01-03-2020, 02:49 PM)MAKEOUTHILL Wrote: Judging by this rough draft, I was unfairly muted.

In accordance with this rough draft it could be argued that your 3 day mute was unfair. 
Let's humor your situation for a moment though:

You've been a part of this community since May 2018 (in accordance with forums) and are a former TTT staff member. 
You've played over 2400 hours on Gmod which I'd say a large portion is part of the Dinkleberg's community.
I think it's more than adequate to say you're familiar with the rules of the community. 
I know you're familiar with the rules, because after posting your racial slur it was deleted. 

Now, should someone who has so much experience in the community that decides to KNOWINGLY violate a rule be treated just like a brand new player who doesn't know any different?

That is the real complexity of circumstances presented. 

I was the one who Muted you for the 3 days, I felt it was still a very minor punishment for someone with so much experience in the community.  It's nothing personal, I'd expect the same if not worse done to me if I had done such a thing. 

Moral of the story, keep such things in DM's and away from the community. 

Luckily, there's legitimate guidelines coming out to prevent such incidents from happening again. 

Except you wouldn't have muted a brand new player for 3 days. Why are they treated as if they're babies and "they don't know any better?" Seems like I'm being treated differently just because I'm supposed to know the rules, which is unfair in my eyes.

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