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Lemon is a great regular here and was a great former staff. We are getting an influx of summer players so having more staff is always appreciated.
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Easy +1. Lemon already has prior staffing experience and has proven she can be good staff. She has a high understanding of the rules, is respected greatly throughout the community, and can provide great insight to problems the server faces. Lemon is vocal about how she feels and has always had the servers best interest in mind. Just always remember that there are people that will argue and who hope to cause issues. As long as you use your brain and realize some of these players are genuinely challenged mentally, you are going to do fantastic. Besides all that, you have been around a very long time and I think you 100% deserve it.
lemontiara is also the GREATEST among us player this server has ever seen. considering ttt is an among us clone, her skills will transfer over well.
+1 for queen of the trusteds
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+1 I think lemon would do a great job at trusted and does often play when there is no staff on. Also Lemon is probably like 5th or 6th greatest among us player if we are being honest. I think number 1 is a bit much.
I have no genuine regrets. You lot can go fuck yourselves, I'm done being treated like a piece of shit in your servers. Every day I'm on it's 1rdm after the other and then I'm called every slur and name in the fucking book. Tell the others to go fucking die in a fire cause I am fucking over it. And when I try to do something about it, I'm the "staff abuser". nah go fuck yourselves
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As the #1 Among Us player, I don't like people falsely giving that title to other people.
I respect Jammin for being honest with his concerns, despite some people maybe not fully understanding what he was trying to say.
However, I think Lemon is not someone who is going to leak for the sake of drama. That instance to me came across as a "I'm absolutely fed up with my situation," not a "I'm trying to spread drama and misinformation" like how others in the past were in trouble for leaking. I felt that way about it 2 years ago and I feel the same way about it today.
If she wants to staff, I say give her a chance. +1
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+1 Was good staff back in the day, I'm sure she will do plenty fine now
Ex- TTT Mod
Dong's Favorite Tmod
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+1, former staff, knows rules, will call out bullshit when she sees it
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+1 Jawa is my favorite hispanic lady
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+1. Easy win for the staff team. Great vibes, great person, and great friend. She was a great staff member when she was on the team and helped make this community great. It would be a miss if we did not add her to the team.
Best of luck!
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Joined: May 2024
Lemon you clearly know this server, you have the experience staffing here, and you're always a delight to play with in game.
You're more than deserving of a chance to prove to the community that you're worthy of their trust in you, again.
Let whatever happened in the past here stay in the past and I'm confident you'll do an amazing job and have fun doing it.