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[Discord] Staff Application Procedure & Format
Use the provided format and make a new thread with it in this subforum. The community will then share their opinions on your behavior and how they believe you would perform in the position you're applying for. When you post your application you may want to try and inform any current staff members you know, as their posted opinions of you will help your application. Discord staff will then deliberate and determine if your application is approved. You will be informed of when you are approved or why you were denied.

Submit only one application for the next applicable rank, as only one will be considered at a time. Carefully read this page and respond to each question to the best of your ability. Major edits may confuse the admins and community members commenting. The application will be reviewed by discord staff and an admin will respond before closing the thread. Applicants will wait a minimum of one month between applications, regardless of acceptance or denial.
Note: Only the roles of Discord Helper and Discord Moderator are required to be applied for publicly through this subforum, due to the importance of community feedback. Event roles may be applied for via Discord Ticket in lieu of a forum post.

Use the template below when applying for staff. Fill all fields to the best of your ability.
Please leave the entire post left-aligned.

What name do you usually go by on the server?

What is your Discord account username?

What is your Discord ID? (how to find your ID)

When did you join the discord? (found under "member since" on your server profile)

Are you 18 years of age or older?

What staff position are you applying for?

Do you have any unexpired discord infractions? If so, please explain why.

Have you received any punishments in any of the GMod servers or forums within the past 12 months? If so, please explain why.

What made you decide to apply?

What do you plan to do to help the Discord community?

Anything else to add?
Noot Noot ~(^-^)~

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