Unban for SourSky
Ingame Name: SourSky

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:153726130

Who Banned You: King Tiger Ace Fasda22

Reason For Ban: Rdm and leaving (rdmed 2 players)

Length of Ban: 2 Weeks

Reason for Mods to Unban: Honestly I'm not going to bullshit sob and cry but I want you to hear my story out and my full honesty.
Garry's Mod on my mac tends to randomly crash resulting in bringing up an error screen stating; "Gmod has crashed unexpectedly" and prompts me three options to either REOPEN,IGNORE or Submit a Ticket.
Of course knowing my luck shortly after I truthfully rdmed a player for being low on health beside a un ided body as well as a player killing an innocent for no reason my game crashed with the described prompt above.
I take full responsibility of my rdm and wish I could have said my piece and rejoin in time to say that my game crashed without it looking like an rdm and leave.
Shortly after I rebooted my Garry's Mod I was greeted with a 14day ban which I would like to claim I would have took a shorter RDM ban instead of a 14day rdm and leave which was unintentional.

Regardless I just want to play Dinkleberg's Gmod, I fully understand my punishment as its on my part as well as my computers part. Please take my unban into consideration and I will try my best to refrain from rdming and learn from my mistakes.

Have you been banned before (Link relevant threads): Not that I recall of, No bans but maybe some mutes for occasional inappropriate words.

+1 for unban and serve slays, I have a Mac and the same problem occurs. I believe @tons4583 could attest to this to.
[Image: frieren-fall-winter.jpeg]
I played for a while on my mac. Story makes sense. Unfortunately I can't unban until an Admin signs off on it. I'll get one to check this out soon.
+1 for unban to serve slays.
Noot Noot ~(^-^)~
+1 for playing on a M A C
[Image: original.gif]
+1 my mac is crap too
Unban this nigga, macs are shit
Tiger will be getting on shortly to unban you.
(03-30-2017, 03:44 PM)RussEfarmer Wrote: Unban this nigga, macs are shit

[Image: a12.jpg]
[Image: cFcBPPs.jpg]
Tiger unbanned em. Make sure to let Staff know of it is ok that you can leave when goven a slay. Welcome back!

Lick this thread pls.
If you have any questions regarding the server rules or anything else, send me a forum PM.
Resigned TTT & Deathrun Admin.
[Image: 1199184.png]

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