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It was a bright day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen
Steam/Forum Name: BillyBob

Discord ID: Papa Ian#3197

Hours Played: 800+

When did you first join the TTT Staff Team?:  October 2020.

What do you plan to do as a TTT Admin?: I believe my best role as a TTT Admin would be in the lane of community management. My current vision for an admin team is a mixture of server developers and community managers. This allows the Admin team to focus on the aspects they enjoy and prevents burn-out by not having to tackle every issue within the Community. Primarily I see myself as being involved in the staff application process, TTT rules and the responsibility of training new staff members, and Ban/Unban requests. I think I serve as a good gap between the different personalities in our community as a person who attempts to see the point to each side. Hopefully I will be able to reduce the amount of disconnect that tends to happen between our community and the staff. 

How can you help the community beyond TTT as an Admin?: I think my views on this primarily go in line with what some of my other staff members have put in this section. I think overall I can serve as a bridging of the gap between the TTT community and our other communities. I'd be able to chat with the other admins and have the ability to bounce ideas off one another in order for us to work towards a better community as a whole. Hopefully I could become an admin that our players feel comfortable approaching with an issue regarding any of our servers. 

What made you decide to apply?: I just want to have the ability to continue creating a space that allows our players to have fun. I've started to notice a return to having a divide between our players and our staff team. Being in this community as many years as I have, I've seen this happen countless times and I know it ends up becoming incredibly frustrating for both sides, leading to a lot of our players becoming burnt out. 

Anything else you would like to add?: I took a lot of feedback from my previous application into account and hopefully have approved on the aspects brought forth. stop 1984 
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I think billybob is a voice we need as one of the TTT admin. 

heres why:

-billybob is really qualified at dealing with openly hostile and shitty people. recently, billybob, me, and one other person were in a voice call, when a person joined the voice call, and started to be extremely toxic and hostile. Billybob was not only able to difuse the scenario, he did so while keeping the mood  light

-billybob is a super wholesome dude overall. Strange concept, yes. While billybob can troll, billybob is a wonderful guy overall. I think he would be a good face to represent us as TTT. I would go so far as to say that Billybob is the model TTT player. While billybob can troll, he can reign it in if someone is not comfortable. he is funny, but does not put others down.

--Billybob is approachable. again. I have reached out to billybob at least twice recently, and he was easy to approach, and did not look down upon me for asking something that I would honestly not ask others in the community for fear of being mocked.

-Stop 1984 (in TTT).


good luck billy
Incepimus, Nunc et semper.
This means that "we begin, now and forever", and translates as "always we begin again"
What this actually means is that we should always strive to better ourselves, because tomorrow is a new day.
I hope you take it to heart. Remember, an improvement, no matter how small, is improvement.

As higher staff, or any staff or even as a community member, you can already have influence on many things you're hoping to take on as Admin. As a Moderator for TTT you can provide training to staff members, new and old. You can already handle ban requests and while you can't handle unbans, you can provide direct commentary and explicit feedback on individuals partaking in the process. You can provide suggestions, changes, where you'd handle certain individuals during a rule breaking scenario and evidently provide feedback to TTT's current rules and regulations. 

I'm assuming you mean you can serve as a bridge, not a gap? We don't need any larger gaps in separate gaming communities underneath the Dinkleberg's name as it is lol
You can always talk to any of the Admins and provide ideas. Your rank doesn't need to change for that to happen. If you have any ideas for the community please bring it forward so that we may dissect and assess. Also becoming an Admin that our players feel comfortable approaching? I understand what you mean but it's better to build ties with the community and become dependable before you assume the rank. 

I guess what I really need to say is why do you need to become an Admin to accomplish these things? What are these ideas that you would like to bring forward with the Admin team? Where is it that you believe you could take TTT with a change in rank? Believe me my friend, you are already a voice. You simply need to speak out. 

I apologize if anything I said sounds rude, it's not intended to.
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I am going to be honest and probably a little blunt. In my opinion BillyBob does not seem responsible enough to handle the role of admin. I have been on at times when BillyBob is on and sometimes he is chill and other times he acts like a child, being a troll and very immature. I feel you do not take the game serious enough to actually see a future for the server. This is just from personal experience playing with him. I am at a -1 as my feelings from your previous application still stand. Good luck on the application and sorry if this came off blunt.
I'm gonna have to agree with skullfire and -1, I think billybob is fine as mod but he lacks some of the qualities I'd like to see in an admin for the time being
[Image: gBkzZod.png]
Yes, bridging of the gap is what I meant. As for feeling approachable, I feel that I already am as several people have come to me seeking advice. What I meant is as an Admin you have a wider reach over the entire community as a whole, thus I am hoping to be a figure people will come to that are even outside the TTT community.

As for your other question, I will flip it back to you in reference as to the circumstances of when you became Admin. As you know, there is a difference between recommending something, and having the ability to implement something. It becomes increasingly frustrating when you suggest something, what you suggest is not implemented, and then what you said would happen does exactly so. This is not shade being thrown at our staff team either, a person can’t be expected to know everything that is going on, and several voices can tend to be louder then one.

I think you yourself can relate to this, considering you were in the same situation of frustration as a moderator that eventually led to you resigning for a period. Regardless of what we may try to say, an Admins voice and recommendation will always be regarded higher.


Since I hate responding on my own applications and I already see I have received some of these comments, I’ll leave my final thoughts here. If anyone posts questions they’d like me to answer I’ll individually message y’all my responses, anywho:

To those who say that I’m immature, or even go so far as to say I act like a child on the server, I am starting to get frustrated. If all of that was true, I would surely think at some point I would have received a complaint from players, yet to my knowledge I never have. Can all of you say the same? Again, this isn’t meant to throw shade at anyone, but some of you need to start realizing that just because I staff differently then you does not make me any more immature then yourself. Some of the posts made, and I’m sure that will still be made are one of the most direct reasons as to why I am applying for Admin. I think a lot of y’all have lost your way as to the entire point of not only TTT, but the entire Dinks community. The point is this place is to have fun, not be a government entity. When we create an environment that enables players to enjoy themselves and have a good time, and in a lot of cases, escape the stresses of their life we are succeeding in exact point of what Dinks is for.

I’ll leave it at that.
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(03-11-2023, 11:42 AM)BillyBob Wrote: To those who say that I’m immature, or even go so far as to say I act like a child on the server, I am starting to get frustrated. If all of that was true, I would surely think at some point I would have received a complaint from players, yet to my knowledge I never have. Can all of you say the same? Again, this isn’t meant to throw shade at anyone, but some of you need to start realizing that just because I staff differently then you does not make me any more immature then yourself. Some of the posts made, and I’m sure that will still be made are one of the most direct reasons as to why I am applying for Admin. I think a lot of y’all have lost your way as to the entire point of not only TTT, but the entire Dinks community. The point is this place is to have fun, not be a government entity. When we create an environment that enables players to enjoy themselves and have a good time, and in a lot of cases, escape the stresses of their life we are succeeding in exact point of what Dinks is for.

I’ll leave it at that.
For me it's less how you staff and more just various little things about the way you behave. I wouldn't necessarily say you're childish, but I also don't think you have enough of a responsible personality for admin, or at least you don't come across that way at the moment. I agree with your sentiment for lower staff, and like I said I think you do fine as moderator when I see you on, but I think admin has a different set of standards and criteria. When I consider someone for an admin position, the first thing I consider is whether I would be confident in looking to them as a leader and be able to trust their judgement as someone with the highest influence over the server, and I personally just don't see that in you currently, though my mind could potentially be changed with time.
[Image: gBkzZod.png]
agreeing with others, i dont think you’ve matured all that much since your last app and i dont feel like you’d be able to be wholly responsible in the position of admin

+1 he cool
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Project Moon Games
Retired TTT Moderator
03-07-2020 ~ 11-17-2020
Unofficial Retired Murder Test-Moderator
11-06-2019 ~ 11-17-2020
You are a great staff member and a great community member however I do not think you have the personality nor the drive to become a leader in dinks, sorry champ i gotta -1

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