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Offender: Hoy98
Offender's steam ID: STEAM_0:1:53097664
Server: TTT
Rank: trusted
What they did: So there I was, relaxing this evening in the TTT server, nothing too big, just sort of chilling in spectator as a dead man, when an old buddy pops in and says hello. Someone mentions something about the bathroom, and I get an idea. I say "i gotta piss but the prostitute is hogging the bathroom," just as one of those silly off handed statements, gets a few reactions so I bite down a little more, declare about this hypothetical prostitute that "I might bash her skull in with the reading lamp." Some more talk gets bandied about, lots of laffs, that sort of thing, I decide okay, try something a little more poetic, something that polish guy from the dirty dozen might say, and say "If i had a nickel for every hooker i've dashed against the rocks at the crashing waves," a facetious play on some poem from psalms, and hoy decides to mute me.
I get a little indignant, but it's not that big a deal, whatever, janny doesn't like what I'm saying, gonna unmute me at the end of the round, everyone's gonna forget in a few minutes, that's just the way it is.
Fast forward another round or so and hoy throws me a 6 point warn. The warn in question? "Overly offensive/sexual topics." Now, it's easy enough to rule out it being overly sexual, I never declared anything about sex acts with the sex worker, nothing sexual at all about the scenario except for the mere concept of the world's oldest profession. So that leaves it as an overly offensive topic. Now, ignoring the nebulous, subjective nature of the term "Overly offensive" for a moment, we can pretend that there's some objective line that everyone on the planet is psychically aware of, this idea has been worked over to exhaustion in some of my previous posts, agree to disagree, that sort of thing.
I can grant that people might find violence against sex workers offensive. Frankly, I find all violence offensive, but when we're in this fake game world making up nonsense in a stream of consciousness I think we can dial back the pearl clutching. Maybe I'm a little out of touch, I don't the luxury of being quite as sheltered from real world violence as certain others so my temperature reading might be a little off in that regard, my personal palate might be somewhat askew. I get some people might not want to hear that, my grandmother wouldn't want me to say those kinds of things, that's fine, that's expected, but here's where we deal with the issue of offensive vs. overly offensive.
Now, in the staff guidelines it specifically says "Overly offensive topics... or overly sexual conversations should be avoided... If a player continues such discussions or behaviors after being told to stop, mute/gag the player and issue a warn." There was no verbal warning, as is expressly stipulated in the guidelines. We can, however, acknowledge the staff have some wiggle room on these matters, and this is by design. But returning to that nebulous and subjective nature of the charge, this is one of those scenarios where the wiggle room is baked in. For making some sort of terrible allegory to Billie Holiday's performance of Strange Fruit when a traitor starts hanging bodies, or graphically describing sex acts taken with an unwilling lot lizard, I can understand skipping straight to the warn, I can get that. But this was one of those natural progressions of an offhand comment of bog standard made up physical violence (in a video game focused on physical violence; people are constantly murdering each other in gruesome fashion), one that frankly didn't even go very far, the kinds of characters who would say these things appear in fully monetized youtube videos, which if that's not an indicator of that invisible psychic line to cross then frankly I'm at a loss. At some point hoy accused me of advocating violence against women, but nothing I said did that; it was a progressively generated hypothetical scenario which at any point either of the active duty jannies could have said was intolerable (frankly, the last bit about dashing them against the stones [which was singled out as the final straw] was far less sinister and more absurd than the suggestion about the hypothetical prostitute in my bathroom, but we know this isn't about breaking the rules)
Now hoy and I have a bit of a history, she's said some nasty things to me in some of my previous appeals, as has the moderator saylor, but I've been willing to overlook all that nastiness, water under the bridge and all that, and under normal circumstances I would overlook a false worn given out of obvious personal animosity, were it not for the fact that it pushed me over the threshold into a 3 day ban. In fact, the previous warn was an erroneous one, I said that I disagree with Drake Belle's behavior and the mod on duty disagreed with me saying that, but that's not the focus of this appeal.
I like to think I've been toeing the line and stopping where I'm told, and that this is unfair treatment. To summarize, I was playing up an angle that the trusted member (with whom I have had personally odorous relations) Hoy98 thought was overly offensive. I was then given a 6 point warning, without any sort of indication that I should drop the subject beforehand. Saylor approved, and issued a ban on these false pretenses.
When they did it: an hour or so ago
Potential witnesses: Saylor Twift, voidzzz, Demi, markjsls, and more (it was very full)
Proof: You've got me here, I wasn't recording because I didn't jump in expecting this sort of thing to happen, but I'm sure the aforementioned staff members were and would be glad to provide recordings of their diligent labor as well as their side of the story that they chose not to communicate to me in game.
Other: I know you've got some beef with me, hoy, but this was an inappropriate and immature way to handle it. And shame on you, saylor, for not restraining your junior colleague. As a full-blown moderator, you are expected to have some familiarity with server judgements. I don't like to get this adversarial these days, but you'll have to forgive me if I'm a little frustrated at the moment, considering the circumstances.
edit: kept typing hong instead of hoy, freudian slip
[Image: 3b7f6tH.jpeg]
Mlady. Allow me to tip my fedora. Le lolz!!!
[Image: ?]
(06-11-2024, 09:55 PM)NECRO Wrote: Mlady. Allow me to tip my fedora. Le lolz!!!
I don't see how this post is remotely constructive or meaningful. Is this how the staff base chooses to represent itself these days? Again, sorry if I seem a little Bitter right now, frankly not in the best of moods.
[Image: 3b7f6tH.jpeg]
(06-11-2024, 09:57 PM)poop MANIAC(fecal frenzy!!!!!!!! Wrote:
(06-11-2024, 09:55 PM)NECRO Wrote: Mlady. Allow me to tip my fedora. Le lolz!!!
I don't see how this post is remotely constructive or meaningful. Is this how the staff base chooses to represent itself these days? Again, sorry if I seem a little Bitter right now, frankly not in the best of moods.
Wait this isn't a shitpost? My bad.
[Image: ?]
(06-11-2024, 09:58 PM)NECRO Wrote:
(06-11-2024, 09:57 PM)poop MANIAC(fecal frenzy!!!!!!!! Wrote:
(06-11-2024, 09:55 PM)NECRO Wrote: Mlady. Allow me to tip my fedora. Le lolz!!!
I don't see how this post is remotely constructive or meaningful. Is this how the staff base chooses to represent itself these days? Again, sorry if I seem a little Bitter right now, frankly not in the best of moods.
Wait this isn't a shitpost? My bad.
It's alright, I forgive you.
[Image: 3b7f6tH.jpeg]
Is your keyboard okay?

-1 u said some unhinged stuff.
It is not okay to literally tell people their opinions are wrong because they disagree.
(06-11-2024, 10:02 PM)TDawg4 Wrote: Is your keyboard okay?

-1 u said some unhinged stuff.
Glad you're taking this seriously. Very respectful and mindful discussion.
[Image: 3b7f6tH.jpeg]

To start... I don't really know who you are? All I saw were your comments about wanting to kill women, and decided to give you a warn for what I felt were comments that were over the line. You might be right. Maybe I shouldn't have given you a 6 point warn- maybe it should have been a higher point warn (if an admin could revise the point value of the warn that would be great).

[Image: ozeZ7im.png]
[Image: rvGGa9t.png]
[Image: AxEso7f.png]
(06-11-2024, 10:13 PM)hoy89 Wrote: Hello

To start... I don't really know who you are? All I saw were your comments about wanting to kill women, and decided to give you a warn for what I felt were comments that were over the line. You might be right. Maybe I shouldn't have given you a 6 point warn- maybe it should have been a higher point warn (if an admin could revise the point value of the warn that would be great).

[Image: ozeZ7im.png]
[Image: rvGGa9t.png]
[Image: AxEso7f.png]
Alright man if you want to play coy that's your prerogative, but that doesn't negate the fact I was talking about killing people who just so happened to have been in one specific scenario female in a game about killing people with giant guns and high explosives and at the end of the day I think you overreacted and that you abused your institutional power to strike out at me for saying something you personally find distasteful, rather than reaching out as a staff member and saying "Hey, not appreciating that kind of talk, you need to stop," as is both reasonable from a common sense standpoint and expected by the guidelines you are held to.
[Image: 3b7f6tH.jpeg]
I don't think I've ever commented on one of your appeals before? Don't really know where that's coming from. I'm at a -1 for abuse, I didn't originally see what was said since it was in dead chat and I wasn't dead but I saw the screenshots and imo the warn is justified
[Image: LqOK9PT.png]

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