Unban Request/Confusion
Ingame Name: Cynical Media

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:51876706

Who Banned You:  Scoovie

Reason For Ban:  It says I was generally toxic and was warned before

Length of Ban: It doesnt say on my end. Just says I was banned

Reason for Mods to Unban: I was joking around with Gary And Ari and nothing had occurred out side of our jokes. 

Ari knew I was joking, Gary knew I was joking. alot of us in the chat were joking about fighting each other and dumb stuff. 
Normal shenanigans. The only reason I can think of why I was banned was because of an argument me and scoovie got into where I was trying to understand the justification of a slay and was talked down to, and I Retorted with how he was acting rude and called him out. I truly dont believe theres an actual justification for this one other the the fact that he didn't like me questioning a slay so he held a grudge.

Have you been banned before (Link relevant threads): One time before for 60 minutes

Other: Everything was quiet for multiple map changes, everything was fine. I was joking with Ari and Gary and hanging out and then I was banned randomly. I dont understand the thought of not giving a warning when the situation happened, saying anything, and just being quiet. I had not been kicked, questioned, gagged, any of the rules followed. Just banned randomly when joking with Ari. Ari knew it was a joke. Gary did too. People in the server told me Scoovie said he banned me because I was a "cunt piece of shit" Im very confused and would like to continue playing. Thank you.
It's a 3 day ban, and apparently you were being toxic again. You should really take a break if you're going to continue acting this way. I don't know what happened this time, but i can tell that your attitude isn't helping you any.
I'll tell you right now I was not doing anything Foxka. Multiple people in the server were defending me. Me and Ari and gary were all making stupid jokes with each other. That was it. Honestly It. Gary and Ari will gladly defend me along with the people who watched it happen.
A piece of shit sure, not sure if cunt was part of it but w/e(your friend ruby can give you w/e info you want).

Ever since you made that previous abuse thread you've done nothing but insult staff, constantly saying how you've lost all respect for the server and staff etc.

That argument on dolls was you not excepting the fact you should't get into the middle of a gunfight when you have no clue whats happening, Deadpool was trying to explain this for 5+ minutes and you just refused to listen to him. So i gagged you as i was tired of it, the staff only have so much patience, i then went into asshole mode and explained to you for the last time why you were getting slain.

You've been warned about staff disrespect before and alot of the staff are done with it.
You're actually lying currently. That conversation was no more then two minutes. You disrespected me, multiple heard it live. And knew that the way you acted was wrong. I had not done anything other then call out your lies. The fact is you should have responded to it there. You should have warned me there. You have no right to just ban someone cause you dont like them. We were all fun and you ruined that. And you wanted to ruin someone elses night. I wont act like I didn't deserve the slay. But the way you acted towards me when asking about it was wrong. Anyone who talks down to someone because they question the justification for something is immature. You waited hours to ban, literally hours. And ruined me and other peoples nights. That makes no sense.
The only people that were "Defending" you were your friends that you had join the sever TO DEFEND YOU. Stop whining over a 3 day ban, if you stop acting rude then it won't be permanent.
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"Nah, google it up, shitlord."
The world is but a treat, when you're on easy street
I can vouch for Cynical here. I was watching his stream for about 2 hours leading up to the ban. Nothing he did would constitute a ban. I believe Scoovie handled the situation in a very childish way. When I joined the server asked what the reason for his ban was, Scoovie responded by calling Cynical "a cunt piece of shit" which in it of itself is completely abhorrent behavior for an admin. Not only that but he refused to even discuss it and gagged me. There were no warnings or kicks administered previous to Cynical's ban.
There was no being rude what? THERE WAS NOTHING EXPLAINED RAE? Do I need to put up Vod proof I dont understand this logic. Why wasnt anything said when the situation originally happened. Seriously.
No. You have been toxic for some time now. You have attacked staff constantly for the past couple of days.
You can wait 3 days. It honestly should be more..
You had your friends come on and try to defend you. Key word on "try". You were in the wrong. Your friend just made you look worse, as he also attacked staff after being told MANY times why you were banned.
-1, no, no, and no.
former admin2
-1 you have multiple staff members coming to me stating that all you do when you get slayed is throw a giant tantrum. Then you constantly !p them being a annoyance and insult them. I don’t like the way you disrespect my fellow staff nor the way your treat them. I will not tolerate it one bit. This is your last warning next time it will be a permanent ban.

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