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Sempai's Test mod app.
Ingame Name:SempaiSpyker, [Black]Sempai[Red]Spyker ,[Black]Sempai[Red]SugarDaddy

Steam ID: 76561198302649092

Time Played: 157 hours and 27 minutes

When First Joined: April 14th 2018

Availability (Approx. times you play, and time zone): Usually 3pm - 11pm M-TH, Most of the day and nights Fri-Sun

Rank Desired: Test mod

Current Rank: Trusted/Donor/Regular

What can you do to help the community?: 
I am very friendly I love to help people and I have worked as staff on other online communities which I actually still do and its rather large. I've also helped many people out with events for programs servicing to the public so I am used to helping many people and am used to leading things as well and following instructions and rules.

Why do you want to help the community?: 
I want to help this community out because I find it very enjoyable and I want it to stay that way by helping new members out to get them to stay. Also, many of the current players are great here so I wanna be able to help make sure it stays great in return for them by helping keep the server fun and without rule breakers. After being here as a trusted I realised how much I love it and realized I wish to help even more.

Have you previously been banned? (Link relevant posts): 

Have you previously applied for staff? (Link relevant posts): 
Yes. Trusted app:

How did you find us?: 
I was searching through the prophunt servers and decided to try this one out and liked it instantly.

Other: I want to be able to help the community as much as possible and I feel I can help more as a test mod.
+1 bc first comment! oof wait i meant hes great staff already very active and know the rules/community very well! I believe he deserves the promotion along with shank! thanks :P
[Image: giphy.gif]
+1 from me. no matter what time of day it is i always see him online. hes always enforcing the rules and being kind to the players. he would make a wonderful test mod. hes fair with the players and makes sure everyone is having fun
+1 knows the rules, sets a good example for fellow staff members and level headed
(05-03-2018, 09:12 PM)Parzival Wrote: +1 knows the rules, sets a good example for fellow staff members and level headed

Thanks man <3

(05-03-2018, 08:53 PM)Traitor Wrote: +1 bc first comment! oof wait i meant hes great staff already very active and know the rules/community very well! I believe he deserves the promotion along with shank! thanks :P

Hah that's great and funny.
Great guy to play with and always keeps his cool.
+1 From this guy, really cool and chill and does his part for the community.
 A S T H E T I
+1 All around great person and awesome player, would be amazing at the job!

Dedicated dudette
+1 Funny guy, great person, and has been level headed since meeting him.

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    This is Dinkleberg's GMod, a gaming community based in Garry's Mod. We have a Trouble in Terrorist Town, Prop Hunt, Murder, and Deathrun Server. Come check them out sometime.