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Apology thread, sort of.
Hey dinks, so yeah if you didn’t notice I am no longer staff on Prop Hunt, this thread is meant to be an apology, sort of. You’ll see what I mean (Main part in bold if you want to skip ahead).

I come from another community that was very successful until the Owner fell off the face of earth and then the servers eventually shut down called Garry’s Community (GC). I was a Deathrun Admin (comparable to our Moderators), TTT Moderator (comparable to our Trusted) and Zombie Surival Moderator (comparable to our Trusted). 

That is an important detail to know about me because it falls into what basically ended up happening with me staffing on Dinks. I was still stuck in GC even though it was years ago. I stuck with it because it worked and that’s what I was comfortable with. So when I became staff here I disagreed on how some stuff are done.

So this thread is not apologizing for what I said, although I do see how I was wrong in some events... some. But I’m apologizing for the way HOW I said it. I did not listen to anyone else’s opinion and I was only listening to my own. Therefore I was self-centered and ignorantly decided to go out my own way. 

I no longer have interest in becoming PH staff. So this thread isn’t “Pls lemme have my rank back Traitor bby”. But I still made friends on this server and plan on staying. I do have interest on applying for other Dink servers, just not Prop Hunt. Nothing wrong with it, it just isn’t for me.

I know I’m relatively new to this server, and I know you’re probably sharing this in the staff discord, but some advice I can give is becoming more organized regarding rules, and having actual Staff Trainings to those who obtained a new rank. It can be done. 

That’s really all I have to say, if you need me, I’ll now be in the Donor Lounge on discord.
[Image: Garry_s-Mod-4_27_2019-3_48_35-PM_Trim-_2_.gif]

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    This is Dinkleberg's GMod, a gaming community based in Garry's Mod. We have a Trouble in Terrorist Town, Prop Hunt, Murder, and Deathrun Server. Come check them out sometime.