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Honestly i just cant really decide what to do
should i try to stay on the server and not instaswap to cs:go or should I just stop dealing with annoying randoms and focus more on cs:go

The sun smiles at you with eternal malice
Hey if you will leave the server I'm just gonna say guest are not worth the time most of them join to be annoying and some guest are just there to have fun I have had my fair share of harassment from guest I have learned to not bother  and as long as they don't say something really bad I don't respond that much it's best just to not deal with them
[Image: q0SdkAI6QPaeF9Oi-uqjbA.png]

[Image: NcxeGyl-THSvKxgssH34Pg.png]
mass rdm and leave
You'll have people every now and again that absolutely get on your nerves, but it is just apart of the game in all honesty. I wouldn't quit altogether, but maybe take a break and see how you feel. As for CSGO that game is absolute AIDs I'm not gonna lie to you. I tried to play it this week and I hated every second of it, so that's one game I wouldn't get invested into.
Pull a Stingray
[Image: b_560x95.png][Image: clapclub.jpg?width=1202&height=519]

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