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Defib What If
So i was playing earlier and noticed that X had gotten top player. he became a t and immediately decides to be a dickwaffle and jihad everyone at spawn (you know who you are c; )
when no one was looking, i went to hide him somewhere and defib him. the problem was, when i defibbed him, he popped back up as an inno.
what would he be able to do in this scenario?
kill everyone and get a massive karma loss for the round?
kill his t-buddies since hes an inno?
just wondering since this was a big whooooosh for me and i ended up just shooting him dead lmao.
eventually its gonna happen sometime and im asking what is the procedure for this type of stuff?
Im not a TTT player "BUT" Im pretty sure he wasted his T round - I mean if he revives up as Ino then kill him as he will kill you - Thats his fault for Jhabing everyone. Kill or be killed.

Staff will come up with a better answer as This is what i did and my T buddy killed me when he was Innocent :(
Ingame Names 
Sharky / [Red]Sharky / Hysender / Wizard
Apple a Day keeps Mother Nuru Away 
Deathrun - PropHunt - Murder Staff member
It's weird but if a T leaves and rejoins the server, it 'resets' their role back to innocent. Meaning when you defib them, they come back as inno. I could be wrong but that's what I've been told.
That's happened to Salsa and I before. Defibbed him, he had left and rejoined so he was inno, I killed him. I assume the defibbed T who's now inno would play as an inno for the remainder of the round.
I defib'd a player who left as soon as they body stood up before.
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